Patented Proteus Generator

Proteus is the name of our gas-to-electric generator technology. Proteus combines the patented super-low emission counterpoise engine which spins a new highly efficient generator to produce low-carbon electricity (emissions per kilowatt hour of energy is on par with a natural gas power plant) for recharging the battery packs in any electric vehicle. Contact us to learn more.

LoopGen Technology

LoopGen is our newly developing technology that uses electric wheel motors, advanced circuitry and artificial intelligence to support the recharging of the vehicles battery packs. Our first generation design uses a stackable 20 KW module that produces 391 ft-lbs of torque. Wheel motors can be used in a variety of configurations, and for rear-wheel, front- wheel and all-wheel drive.
As an example, three modules stacked together (which would be about 12 inches long) will supply 60 kWs and 1173 ft-lbs of torque. The average electric vehicle consumers about 2-5 kWs per mile, so with the wheel motors supplying such robust output we should be able to replenish kWs as fast as they are consumed in driving the vehicle.
This technology combined with our gas-conversion technology represents an evolution in EV charging technology, as it further reduces need for the fuel backup part of the design to be engaged. We anticipate debuting this technology in our low-speed delivery vehicle by the end of April 2024.